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Title Asking for a personal interview with patent examiners at anytime!
Writer Admin Date 2006-12-01 Hits 1889
KIPO provides an on-line interview application service for patent examiners

Patent applicants will be able to apply for interviews with patent examiners at anytime. Until now, applicants applied for interviews by calling the examiners on the phone during office hours. Applicants will now be able to request interviews on-line at their convenience.

KIPO (Commissioner: JUN, Sang Woo) opened a new examiners’ interview corner on the office homepage at http://www.kipo.go.kr. By selecting this corner, applicants can apply for interviews anytime they have inquiries about a notice sent by examiners. This new service is expected to increase the convenience of applicants.

To use this service, an applicant needs to input his/her name, point of contact, patent application number, and name of the examiner on the web page. The application for an interview is delivered to the examiner immediately. After confirming the application, the examiner contacts the applicant to set the schedule for interview. Applications can be made even if the examiner is not in the office. When applications are made during weekends, they are delivered to the examiner on Monday morning.

When applying for an interview, applicants can also register explanatory data needed during the interview. Examiners can review the data in advance to provide applicants with a sound and customer-oriented interview.

Managed by the Electric and Electronic Examinations Bureau, this new service will initially be provided to patent applicants related to electronic fields. It will be extended to patent applicants in all fields.

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